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I got scammed...The fourth wall got broken and the game ended. Sad times

I couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic or serious. If you were serious, let's start with the fact that breaking the fourth wall isn't bad if done well, and this will be one of Zereft's abilities. The game ends so quickly because it's a Pre-Alpha, as stated in the description OwO

Haha yeah I was somewhat being sarcastic. The fourth wall breaks are fun. I just saw all the beautiful looking characters in the previews and got mad excited to see some and then it just ended haha. But yeah it is indeed pre alpha so that makes sense. I look forward to seeing what's to come!

Thank you, King. There are just so many comments XD that I have to stay on my toes. I'll take some time to make something truly worthwhile. If for some reason, you still remember this in 5 months, you'll have to let me know if you think it was worth it or if you feel ripped off, hahaha 😳

released? Isn't it in development?

Also what is powersave?

Hello nephew, unfortunately I did not understand very well, what I can say is that this version of the game is A PRE-ALPHA, since it was released mostly for my other audience, but 0.1 with all the good content that they deserve will arrive in January or February!

I asked that already, but here is how another dev answered they found the option to activate it for the app.

once you upload a file, when editing the post, in the files section,  under the name and size of said file, there's a list where you have to state the type of file it is (executable, video, etc.) and at the side of it, there are some easy to ignore small checkboxes, from left to right they have the windows, linux, apple and android logo. 

These checkboxes, that do nothing in the web version, are the ones that the app check to see if a file is downloadable in your system.


Sorry for the delay, I think it's ready!

(3 edits) (+1)

So is the cuck gangbang shit gone cause am not in to hoes bro like who the fuck would want to get with any of the Li's then if you show shit like that harem what a joke like why would I want to get with the town bikes.

No, that's not going to happen. It was just an idea because it made sense in the story. For those saying it wouldn't be a harem if it did happen—well, I guess you haven't watched enough isekai anime or maybe it works differently for others, but no! I only said it could happen, and now it won’t. I have zero intention of debating whether the term is correct or not, blah blah blah. When I release version 0.1—since this version is just a PreAlpha—you all can try it out and let me know.

please look at the options, there should be something a box to check or something that allows the game to be downloaded with the app or how it's called.


Hi dev, which of all those  characters is the Mc? because looking at the images it seems as if we are seeing the story from several POVs? Is it perhaps a multiple protagonist, where the story follows different characters?

Thanks, good luck.


Hi Chimba, I apologize if it wasn’t clear, but trust me, everything will make sense once the game is a bit further along. The story will focus on Cronos, our protagonist, who won’t appear just yet because I first need to explain how the Supremes defeated Nexura and why. Nexura is an essential character in the plot, as they will always be with the protagonist. The game begins by introducing a powerful weapon that will play a significant role in the story soon. We are introduced to Zereft, who will have a major impact in the next arc, the SUPREMES' Reunion. I understand it might be confusing, but everything will be clear soon, especially when I release the official synopsis. In the meantime, look forward to version 0.06, which should be out by the end of September! Thanks for taking the time to show interest in my project, and may Goddess Ena bless you.


Hi dev, what are the future tags planned? I hope it's a pure harem without some controversial tags...Thanks in advance. GL.

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Hi Bruce, don’t worry, there won’t be any NTR; it will be a pure harem. Expect some gore, lots of fantasy, fights, action, comedy, and romance. There will be MILFs, of course, but no pregnancy for now. I’ve drawn a lot of inspiration from anime and TV series for this project. It’s not going to be a rosy game—there will be tough substances and decisions that will have a significant impact on the plot. The next version will cover the SUPREMES’ meeting arc, where I’ll introduce new characters (but not the protagonist yet). One of them will be Nexura, the main face of the game. I want to add that dark side like in Berserk. There’s a lot on my mind. Thanks for commenting, and feel free to reach out on Discord. May Goddess Ena bless you!

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looks like the gangbang comment was removed. Hopefully from the VN as well. If they are a Li no one wants to see that, no matter how far in the past it was. A Li for the mc shouldn't be shown with anyone else. Good luck with your VN, hope it does well 


Yes, sobrinos, THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I know it’s not liked, so I removed the comments because I didn’t want to continue debating that. When I edited the message, I thought no one would know that there was once an intention, which was NEVER CLEAR FROM THE BEGINNING. I repeat, none of my girls—Nexura, Ena, Selene, Mira, Eris, Irene, Emilia, Lisa, Kiana, or Linssy—will be shared. I want to clarify that what was discussed was never NTR per se, but something that might not have been liked. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN. Thanks and sorry to those who don’t like it. As for other topics like gore, incest, etc., I’m not willing to change my mind. Thanks for taking the time to comment! May Ena bless you, and may Nexura not kick you.


I hope the disappearance of the comment about a Nexura sexual scene with multiple characters is because that scene will ultimately not exist.


Indeed, this will not happen. I mentioned this in the message above. And for anyone who might say, “Well, there was an intention,” it NEVER involved NTR. Personally, I do not like it, just as I do not like pregnancy. I discussed something I assumed was normal, and furthermore, the MC would never be aware of it, as the event would have occurred thousands of years before being sealed away.

As for those asking if there will be pregnancies, well, this will depend on how requested it is in the distant future; for now, no.

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I know you backtracked on the Nexura scene etc.. But  just some advice.. Don't matter if it's the past..  A million years ago.. Why would anyone be interested in any LI shown having sex with anyone but the MC?  You got to put yourself in the shoes of the PLAYER/READER...  And a lot of players SELF INSERT to invest themselves in the shoes of the MC... That does nothing but ruins the appeal of LIs(Love Interest) in general.. And most harem players HATE this stuff in suppose "harem" games.  Don't matter if it's “technically not ntr” That will just turn players away who you are trying to market too..  I am personally now wary of your game because of your previous comments.. Anyways, god speed.. And good luck with your game.

I appreciate the way you shared your opinion with such delicacy, and I guess I'll have to show you how good this stuff will be so that people can forget about AN IDEA THAT WASN’T CLEAR, lol. Anyway, peace and love, friends.

I agree that it's not NTR, but that doesn't make me like it. Actually the fact that it's not happening is a good sign.